5 Questions 33 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Bruno Venditto
My Ph D supervisor who is a sociologist, is asking me to consider Giddens' concept of reflexivity in analysing migration phenomenon. I don't have a sociology back ground, but from the initial...
26 January 2016 1,620 19 View
In fact in most cases, and although on a different scale, the reasons why people migrate and the consequences of such movments, are the same regardless from the spatial context where the movment occur
21 October 2015 607 7 View
I am analysing the impact of migration on Namibian families, however I realise that in the academia there is not much clarity (or at least it is not clear to me) between the concepts of family and...
11 August 2015 3,374 29 View
In my thesis I am analysing the socio-economic impact of migration on the Namibian family. Since internal migration has an important role to play I believe it is correct to assimilate financial...
08 July 2015 7,214 9 View
In my literature review so far I have not been able to find extended references to the application of grounded theory in the study of the economic impact of migration> SInce I am embarking in...
31 May 2015 3,528 6 View