7 Questions 9 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Brendan James Babb
I am not a battery expert. From my understanding the more surface area you have the more charge you can get. The problem is the anode swells during charging and then can break or get coated during...
04 April 2016 3,413 6 View
I was working on one research project/paper and was staying up until 3-4 am every night drinking herbal tea and listening to Bon Iver's "For Emma, Forever" on repeat.It was making good progress...
12 December 2013 8,784 1 View
In Alaska we have wind - diesel set ups where the wind turbine generation offsets the use of diesel in a generator or the wind is paired with hydro. If the wind drops down you want to ramp up the...
11 November 2013 1,311 0 View
I know that many Genetic Algorithm problems are different and have different constraints. But it seems that there might be problems from disparate fields that look the same to the computer. An...
11 November 2013 7,499 1 View
Instead of noise cancelling do noise adding. Assuming you can predict and calculate the waveform to add to the ambient noise in realtime (low power GPUs, Machine Learning) just add the waveform at...
09 September 2013 3,783 4 View
Active noise control allows you to cancel dominant frequencies in noise cancelling headphones by playing the inverse wave. Given the speed of GPUs and evolutionary computation, could you use...
03 March 2013 1,847 3 View
I work with image compression. If you had a compression algorithm that worked well on images of interest and performed badly on noise images, what percentage would that be out of the whole...
11 November 2012 1,066 6 View