9 Questions 20 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Bo Li
For liear equation y = A*x, why use Gaussian elimination to solve the linear equation other than calculating multiplication of inverse of A and y directly?
11 November 2017 310 5 View
We prefer to use conjugate prior for the Bayesian model. Using variational Bayesian inference, conjugate prior is also preferred. However, in the update procedure of Bayesian inference, it seems...
08 August 2017 8,740 3 View
In stanford CNN course, it is stated that we can use the available Convnet for transfer learning. (http://cs231n.github.io/transfer-learning/) I saw that some guys use VGGnet for transfer...
07 July 2017 863 4 View
Hello, everyone, I encountered one problem: to detect whether one guy has a scarf around his neck or not. I have video images. The person in the images are with various ages,with various colors...
06 June 2017 9,858 6 View
Total variation problem is an old problem and there are multiple algorithms for solving this problem. What is the best algorithm for solving TV problem? What is the the advantage of the...
03 March 2017 863 6 View
For image processing, unlike the methods which split the image into pitches, total variation is on the whole image. In this case, for an image with size n by n, what is the complexity of total...
02 February 2017 666 2 View
We know that the z transform of a system response is of the form: H(z) =1/( 1-a*z-1 ) How to estimate the coefficient a by using a white Gaussian signal as an input? Thanks.
11 November 2016 2,421 1 View
In adaptive beamforming, usually it is assumed that the number of snapshots is much larger than that of the antennas. What if the number of snapshots is insufficient? Thanks.
11 November 2016 5,795 1 View
When creating a new project using Visual studio C++, there are options among Windows, ATL, CLR, General, MFC, Test, Win32, Cross Plateform and Extensibility. What is the difference between these...
11 November 2016 1,113 0 View