8 Questions 17 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Biplob Sarkar
Suppose, in a particular X-ray observation data set for a particular low-mass X-ray binary neutron star source, we find no QPO features, thermonuclear burst features or strong X-ray...
29 April 2020 7,912 0 View
Supermongo and IDL are also very popular among astrophysicists. Are Matlab, Mathematica, Xmgrace, Gnuplot also popular among some groups?
23 January 2015 4,544 12 View
In the literature we find that relativistic e- - e+ jets are not possible. For truly relativistic jests, we need to have e- - p pairs.
23 September 2014 1,244 3 View
Why does the outward increase of angular momentum in an accretion disk make the disk Rayleigh stable? Since the density profile in an accretion disk increases inward in the case of constant...
08 March 2014 4,934 3 View
What will be the statistical properties of the error present in the signal?
17 February 2014 5,103 3 View
It may be a binary black hole accretion disk or an AGN.
31 October 2013 9,098 6 View
How does the mass accretion rate affect these transitions? Further can the hardening or softening of the spectrum in the accretion be related to the changes in the shock properties in accretion...
03 October 2013 8,934 2 View
Also, in the accretion disks dominated by magnetic pressure what is the order of this magnetic pressure in cgs units? Also what is the order of the magentic field in Gauss? And finally are the...
24 September 2013 8,775 1 View