12 Questions 13 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Bilal Esmael
How does one choose which machine learning algorithm is most suitable for a given dataset?
03 March 2014 9,435 10 View
Are combined methods better than a single approach in machine learning?
03 March 2014 9,523 5 View
How to force a classifier to forget some wrong cases without re-training the whole system?
02 February 2014 5,192 2 View
What is the best, worst, and average running time complexity of SVM and ANN? Why most of machine learning papers report only the classification accuracy, and ignore the running time?
02 February 2014 8,419 5 View
Moving-Average Disadvantages.
01 January 2014 10,352 9 View
Why Support Vector Machine can deal with a huge number of features? Why it works perfectly in Text classification where usually we have a hung amount of features e.g., 1000 features or more.
01 January 2014 4,538 5 View
How can we select a feature subset from a huge amount of features (around 1500 features) that will produce the highest possible classification accuracy? Most of the feature selection algorithms do...
12 December 2013 2,860 47 View
Data normalization means transforming all variables in the data to a specific range. My question is when and why do we need data normalization?
11 November 2013 7,987 36 View
Overfitting avoidance.
11 November 2013 8,887 7 View
Machine Learning vs. Data Mining.
11 November 2013 10,084 32 View
How can I use HMM to classify multivariate time series. The given time series should be segmented to different-length segments, and for each segment a label (class) should be assigned.
11 November 2013 2,339 7 View
I know that one of the most important disadvantage of Naive Bayes is that it has strong feature independence assumptions. What are the other disadvantages?
08 August 2013 9,325 12 View