18 Questions 94 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Bendine Kouider
Dear I am trying to model a composite stiffness plate and for simplicity reason i want to use the BEAM189 element. However, I am not sure if this element suitable for composite. my question is...
11 November 2019 8,311 4 View
Dear experts i want to check a plate (workpiece) vibration during the cutting process. so instead of performing the whole cutting process i come to an idea that i simulate the cutting tool as an...
02 February 2019 9,708 4 View
Dear all Iam trying to perform a simulation of a contact problem using ansys APDL. i have a 2D model of plate subjected to a moving punsh, unfortunatly , i have no experience with contact...
08 August 2018 7,994 3 View
Dear all I'm trying to interface ansys with matlab for optimization purpose . and for that i use this line in matlab to run ansys !"C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v145\ansys\bin\winx64\ANSYS145.exe"...
07 July 2018 4,374 12 View
Dear Recherchers Iam Dealing with optimization of smart FGM structures for active vibration control purpose. i finished my model which is FGM plate with bounded piezoelectric actuators and...
03 March 2018 1,475 13 View
Dear All Iam trying to model an aircraft wing using Ansys Apdl , and to do that i take the following steps : 1- Draw the profile using [KP] command and LSTR. 2- Complet the area of airfoil...
02 February 2018 3,831 1 View
Dear All Iam performing a base excitation harmonic analysis under ansys , however i need to get the nodal amplitude for each analysis step so i used *get command but unfortunatly ansys gave me an...
12 December 2017 1,692 10 View
Dear ALL iam working on optimal placement of sensors on plate using genetic algorithm The plate is divided into 100 elements encoded by sequential integer numbers 01, 02,...,100; each representing...
11 November 2015 2,838 9 View
I need a MATLAB code which be able assemble na actuators and ns sensors distributed in the plate. Can anyone help me in that.
04 April 2015 7,103 1 View
hi I did this code to resolve the vibration beam using FEM by newmark integration but it didn't work. Can anyone tell me whats wrong with my code or recommend a matlab code? Thank you. NEWMARK...
01 January 2015 8,326 6 View
DEAR ALLcould any one tel me whats wrong with this codeits an fgm beam with piezopatch FINISH/CLEAR/title, Controlled smart structure - K.Bendine/nopr ! Supresses extended interpreted data...
12 December 2014 4,502 4 View
Dear all Please I need a code of finite element plate with piezo patch using matlab.
11 November 2014 3,740 6 View
can you tell me how can i do a full system identification task (based on measurements) in Matlab. i have the input and the out put of the system.if you have some work deal with that please send...
10 October 2014 5,359 4 View
I want to simulate the an FGM square plate by using ANSYS LS-DYNA classic APDL not by using ANSYS workbench. I did the fgm plate, now I am trying to do the simulation of the impact. Please help me...
10 October 2014 2,293 1 View
Hi allI have done a model using ansys of a fgm plate with two piezoelectric layer in the top and the bottom of it. I get the reponse of the plate when I exited with 100v, now I need to get the...
09 September 2014 5,700 2 View
I have a cantilever beam and I want to drive a transient analysis. I used this code but the problem is ansys never end the calculation, is this code wrong or what? /SOLU ANTYPE,4TRNOPT,FULL,,DAMP...
09 September 2014 9,944 5 View
I want to carry out an active vibration control of an fgm beam using finite element method based on third order theory with matlab. Can anyone suggest a paper?
06 June 2014 7,409 1 View
10 October 2013 7,299 20 View