31 Questions 57 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Behrad Mahboobi
what is a clear definition of degenerate multivariate random variable from measure theoretic aspect? and how can we describe them with probability density function by introducing delta function ?
04 April 2018 1,758 0 View
I look for mathematical theory of Differential equations like Picard–Lindelöf theorem and Carathéodory's existence theorem that deal with existence/uniqueness of differential equations. I hope...
03 March 2018 5,349 10 View
i look for a list of theoretical topics in differential equation not necessarily active research topics. the topics that is the in field of a concret math and is not differential equation...
03 March 2018 4,036 7 View
i look for a axiomatic or abstract definition for matrix determinant . there are a lot of formulas and properties for matrix determinant but none of them uniquely and qualitatively describe matrix...
03 March 2018 7,116 10 View
laplace/fouriers transform and some techniques like operators/wronskian ... are useful in solving linear and nonlinear differential equations. however is any such techniques or transformation to...
12 December 2017 1,276 3 View
I wonder if there is any explanation that which of statistical learning or machine learning may work better and what is reason for that.
11 November 2017 9,781 9 View
Partial discharge in gas has some symptoms such as chemical reaction, sonic and electromagnetic emissions. Which numerical software is proper for these kind of simulations that can address all of...
06 June 2017 2,184 3 View
actually i am willing to model a classic problem of association rule by a standard constraint optimization which can be nonlinear and non-convex too but with minimum number of constraints and...
09 September 2016 6,626 6 View
I am looking for a definition of time that address multiple goals! 1- (consistent) be consistent with no paradox with other phenomena.2- (set theoretic) can be expressed based on math notations!3-...
09 September 2016 1,049 0 View
Im looking for a matlab like software which is reliable and fast as matlab.both free and comercial products can be the answer.
09 September 2015 7,827 3 View
I am familiar with SDN, however i am looking for the recent challenges and topics which are active in SDN in academy and industry.
05 May 2015 5,284 6 View
there are huge amount of reference in the field of SigInt , ComInt And Elint. but there should be a few basic and selfcontained reference in each of those. so please if you know any references ,...
03 March 2015 6,369 1 View
This question is brought up to help researchers in the field of signal processing, optimization and control to find the recent and basic signal processing techniques that can be used in the fields...
02 February 2015 7,391 2 View
I am looking for any tutorial article or text book which is the best for blind source separation specially from mathematical point of view . !
02 February 2015 6,014 0 View
I am looking for a neural network which is has comprehensive mathematical approach in to the subject. Applications and introductory books are not my goal.
02 February 2015 9,719 18 View
i am going to find the challenges and new fields opened up in the target tracking for research in academy. please mention some references in addition to titles to make the subject self contained.
02 February 2015 2,107 2 View
I know there maybe different applications for robots and different software and operating system are optimized for each application, but I wonder if there maybe something very popular what is used...
05 May 2014 7,557 9 View
I want to simulate various environment parameters and material effects on the motion of an arrow shot from a compound bow from the release time to hitting the target in an accurate way, however, I...
11 November 2013 7,509 10 View
Is any software design to take into account modern physic theory such as general relativity or string theory in to mechanical simulation for celestial mechanics?
11 November 2013 4,327 8 View
What design and analysis tools are used to simulate not also kinematics and static of multi body systems, but also kinetics and dynamics aspect of robotic and mechatronic system?
11 November 2013 5,869 4 View
There is always a lower bound for an unbiased estimator called Cramer-Rao Lower Bound which is tight in the case of Gaussian random vectors. Does any one know any upper bound for minimum variance...
11 November 2013 8,950 12 View
some peer to peer networks/protocols such as Tor, Torrent address application of anonymity and storage in an infrastructureless and distributed framework. However I wonder if such a P2P...
11 November 2013 1,586 5 View
Any software (EDA tool) that can numerically simulate electrodynamics system? For example in micro scale particles that accelerate in an accelerator or in larger scale, charged particles and...
10 October 2013 4,133 3 View
Can anyone advise on the benefits and flaws of each optical modulator?
10 October 2013 5,792 9 View
Can anyone recommend the best computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software that can address controlling machinery tools with the richest set of features!
09 September 2013 8,981 6 View
I remember a simple rule in electromagnetic theory that when we scale the frequency by a value alpha and scale the dimension of your antenna or scatterer by a/alpha, the properties of that device...
09 September 2013 7,311 6 View
Can anyone put forward a condition that under that, the following quasi variational inequality have solution ? (Y-X)^T.F(X)>0 , Y \in K(X) \in R^N K(X) is a set valued function that has the...
09 September 2013 4,574 3 View
You have probably heard that CDMA wireless networks are superseded by OFDMA wireless networks. What are the benefits of OFDMA which CDMA does not address?
07 July 2013 3,413 0 View
Is any design or analysis tools that can synthesis a desired antenna pattern in edge slot waveguide
07 July 2013 2,798 0 View
Does any one has experience with both of these hyper-visors (Xen server and VMware vsphere ESXi) ? I need a fair and professional comparison between the these two from overhead comparison, cloud...
07 July 2013 6,241 0 View
the goal of this d iscussion is to investigate all approaches that may enable the implementation of CCN (Or ICN) . The following issues should be considered in the feasibility study : 1- Cost 2-...
01 January 1970 9,094 4 View