16 Questions 14 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Avinash Kumar
Why the state weighing matrix is taken to be positive semidefinite and not positive definite in optimal control problems - like LQR(Linear Quadratic Regulation) and LQR (Linear Quadratic Tracking?
23 August 2018 3,716 9 View
Why the discontinuous trajectories are not desirable ? I mean if we know that the optimal trajectory is the one having jumps then would we implement the corresponding optimal control law or shall...
23 August 2018 1,822 4 View
Can someone explain about the price one pays when a non-convex optimization problem is converted to a convex optimization problem? I mean we essentially reduce the computational complexity of the...
06 March 2018 3,277 6 View
Why do we go for differential algebraic modelling of dynamical systems when we can solve the problem algebraic equations as constraints to a simple differential equation (the state of art for...
25 April 2017 5,676 4 View
How do I prove that a nth order differential equation has n linearly independent solutions?Also, how to prove that there is no possible solution other than those covered by the linear combination...
23 August 2016 4,401 9 View
Hi I am working on chaos synchronization by EKF and other stochastic nonlinear estimators. The problem is like- Chaos system has 3 states at transmitter end ; x1, x2 , x3 out of which x1 is...
08 May 2016 5,949 3 View
Why do we select MSE as the error measure in case of non linear system identification over the several time instants?Why cannot we use the error only for one time instant?
19 February 2016 7,477 3 View
I just came to know from a lecture that the genetic algorithms are not mathematically logical means they do not have sound logical background especially when we turn to the real coded ones which...
30 July 2015 4,387 18 View
The gate to source voltage in a nMOSFET is vertical. Then how can it attract the electrons in the n region because the electric field associated with it is vertical and does not apply to those...
16 February 2015 6,530 5 View
What decides the value of capacitor used in power supply? The value is 2200 microfarad. Please also suggest some books for understanding capacitors from the basics.
07 May 2014 4,987 6 View
Digital versus analog.
04 March 2014 7,986 13 View
Why are the eddy currents not introduced in the metallic plates kept in front of light waves when they are electromagnetic waves and thus comprise changing magnetic fields?
17 November 2013 7,123 1 View
Is it possible that the signals with the same frequencies superimpose during the transmission through the transmission path, say free space? Is it possible for other frequencies also?
20 September 2013 3,964 7 View
If I write Mov A,#10000110b in assembly language then will microcontroller 8051 takes it as 312 in decimal or -6?
25 April 2013 3,835 8 View
Why during the subtraction using 2's complement the answer is in 2's complement whenever the carry is not generated ? I mean can someone please explain how these rules are made? I mean there...
25 December 2012 7,423 1 View
It is known that the first order derivative is the measure of rate of change. This statement may be carried forward to the higher order derivatives. But how do we visualize the higher order...
01 January 1970 1,268 4 View