11 Questions 9 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Avanish Mishra
p4vasp provides better bond cut structure than any other software I know. Is there any possible way that I can change atom colors as well. Specific color would be great to make better structures.
02 February 2017 4,789 0 View
Can anybody suggest some good simulation package to do Non Adiabatic Quantum Molecular Dynamics (NA-QMD). These packages are very much helpful to understand photo voltaic properties of materials .
08 August 2016 5,264 4 View
Error reading item 'MAGMOM' from file INCAR. Error code was IERR=0 ... . Found N= 2 data I am getting this error in VASP while running job . Can anyone help
03 March 2015 6,355 2 View
Which Software would e good fro making 3D schematic . I tried many like illustator or
01 January 2015 6,792 3 View
Can anyone tell me how to generate an Input File and Potential? I am not able to generate a 2d data file and I and also not sure how to use it and the Potential file .
12 December 2014 500 5 View
Why strain change band structure? When we apply any strain on any unit cell of any material which is not centrosymmetric why band structure get change . And in case of SOC also
10 October 2014 1,641 5 View
Does any body can teach me through skype or any way lammps coz that lammps manual on the website is not helping me very much so i need some help.. Any one have their personal manual can provide me?
09 September 2014 4,107 0 View
What Is Gaussian smearing and Fermi smearing.?
09 September 2014 9,864 3 View
Where both of the same group element and as well KCl also has structure as NaCl?
08 August 2014 2,096 2 View
Why XRD is used when Neutron and Electron Diffraction can be also used for Lattice Structure? Neutron particle also has a small wavelenght compare to 1 A0 . Or Electron diifraction?
08 August 2014 10,042 16 View
In step potential what will happen if E= V . means R = 1and T =0, but what about second region wave function..it will be what??
08 August 2014 8,918 0 View