5 Questions 5 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Asmaa Diab
I have trained a deep learning network, and forgotten to save the curve which indicates the training and validation progress. Could you please help me plotting this curve using the saved...
09 November 2021 6,377 2 View
Suppose that we have a fingerprint database consisting of 1000 images from 100 persons (10 images per person), and it is required to design a system to identify the person from his fingerprint...
04 September 2021 7,012 9 View
I have tried different pretrained networks with Adam optimizer, and obtained high performance. However, when I tried it with Alex network, the performance was poor. Could you please help me...
29 September 2020 5,816 1 View
I need help please I have executed these commands to read the MRI images with extension nii: [V,info]=ReadData3D; imshow(squeeze(V(:,:,round(end/2))),[]); I have run the code on the four module...
23 November 2019 6,858 1 View
Dear Sirs, It is a pleasure contacting you. I have downloaded BRATS2018 database, and used MIPAV program to convert the extension of the files from .nii to .jpg images. Some images (either...
20 November 2019 2,899 2 View