11 Questions 40 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ashutosh Karna
I have a dataset with 290 rows and 35000 features. What are the consequences of running clustering techniques (such as Hierarchical) on the whole dataset and what should be the most suitable...
02 February 2020 2,955 7 View
I have over 1000 samples with each sample itself being a multivariate time series data (of rows between 500 and few thousands). The length of time series differs from sample to sample. What are...
02 February 2020 3,164 3 View
Calculating Median in univariate is quite straight forward by just sorting the data. But , in multivariate case, where different features do not follow the same ranking order, how can someone...
01 January 2020 2,878 4 View
I have a relatively small data consisting of 10 -15 experiments, but to run any statistical process control, one would need a large sample to capture enough variability in the data and be able to...
01 January 2020 5,723 2 View
I am running a hierarchical clustering exercise and trying to evaluate it with different measures like Calinski-Harbasz score and Silhuette score. Could anyone tell or point to any document...
12 December 2019 3,377 4 View
I have measurements from several experiments on a specific combination of two different factors, say A and B. From each experiment, I calculate three types of values (to check the performance of...
11 November 2019 5,883 4 View
I have over 500 source files, each of which contains a multivariate time series sequence (same variables though). My objective is to develop a model that can find anomaly by checking the...
10 October 2019 9,414 3 View
In a typical multivariate scenario, where the time series does not really follow any particular pattern (or distribution), are the techniques like Standardization or MiniMax scaling appropriate ?...
10 October 2019 7,947 4 View
I am dealing with a clustering problem that requires me to cluster a set of objects based on 'Avg rate of change' in several factors for a give timeframe. Attached is the dendrogram I obtained....
08 August 2019 3,173 7 View
I have a dataset and trying to apply soft clustering, preferably Multivariate Gaussian Mixture model, but I have following doubts : 1. Does Multivariate GMM assume the underlying data to follow...
07 July 2019 1,100 5 View
I have a small multivariate data ( < 10,000 records) with none of the variable following normal distribution (mix of right-skewed and left-skewed variables). As Gaussian Mixture Model is not...
07 July 2019 3,938 6 View