6 Questions 25 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ashraf Rangrez
Is/are there some other factors than Thrombin that can be used for the polymerization of Fibrinogen? I need to polymerize Fibrinogen but do not want to use Thrombin for this process but could not...
23 July 2020 4,365 1 View
I would like to know if anybody has ever tried performing co-immunoprecipitation using a mix of two or more antibodies against a partcular protein (I mean not separately, but together in one set...
01 July 2013 5,583 9 View
I am wondering if every microRNA is regulated by the same transcription factors and regulatory mechanisms in all cell types it is expressed or every cell type has independent regulatory mechanism...
12 December 2012 9,094 28 View
Is there any relation between pri-miRNA and lncRNAs?
16 October 2012 4,928 16 View
There are almost 1000 or more microRNAs known for human / mouse / rat. I am wondering if the pri-miRNA and / or premiRNA sequences of all these microRNAs is also known? If yes, is there any...
16 October 2012 3,491 3 View
miRNAs control various physiological and pathological processes, but what controls microRNAs? What controls their switch-on switch off? Is there any miRNA which can be termed as a "super" miRNA...
12 October 2012 3,798 12 View