8 Questions 32 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Arie Wahyu Wijayanto
I know some popular libraries among researcher focusing on deep reinforcement learning such as TensorFlow, Theano, Caffe, Torch and CNTK. I usually work on both CPU and GPU. I don't need much...
05 May 2017 6,124 8 View
When I read some journal or conferences paper, I still curious, is it possible that they used unreal data? How we can detect fake data?
01 January 2016 6,412 3 View
I have performed a fuzzy clustering process on public data set. Now, I want to proposed an application for decision making using that fuzzy clustering result. I want to give a set of fuzzy rules....
12 December 2014 6,045 3 View
It is stated in many literatures that many nature-inspired metaheuristic optimization algorithms have been developed. Some of them are: Particle Swarm Optimization Artificial Bee Colony Ant Colony...
11 November 2014 9,394 24 View
I am doing a simulation in Matlab on fuzzy clustering, which is measured by IFV index (Hu, Meng, & Shi, 2008). But I am not pretty sure with the result I got. Anyone have the implementation...
09 September 2014 2,218 1 View
I'm trying to do some fuzzy clustering in spatial data. Now I'm looking for the best indicator of Fuzzy Clustering validity in Spatial data. I have read about PC, CE, SC, S, XB, DI, ADI, and IFV...
08 August 2014 5,322 4 View
CodeIgniter, Yii, Laravel, Zend, Prado, CakePHP, Simfony
07 July 2013 3,884 8 View
Can we run any java application without installing java runtime environment (J2RE, etc) ?
05 May 2013 5,359 10 View