6 Questions 6 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Aram Jaf
I want to compare evolution rate between two set of data (morphological and reproductive traits) because the values of the reproductive traits is very small in compare with morphological traits...
18 May 2017 6,511 2 View
I need to apply Brownian motion model for continuous character (wing length) and I apply the below code WL.BM
14 April 2016 3,276 2 View
I have an excel sheet file of both binary (male and female) and continuous characters data, I need to convert it to NEXUS file format, in order to read it with the tree of DNA sequences, for...
07 April 2016 1,403 3 View
hello everyone ! I got a question about trait evolution analysis.I have COI (Cytochrome oxidase I) DNA sequences for all species, and I have excel sheet for all morphological characters for all...
04 March 2016 8,368 9 View
I have the DNA sequence of 20 species, and the data for all characters of these species like (thorax volume, proboscis length, wings and legs length, abdomen length, ........ect), my question is...
12 February 2016 2,582 3 View
I have the data for both morphological and reproductive traits for 22 species and the phylogenetic tree built by maximum likelihood with branch length. I need to estimate the evolution rate...
01 January 1970 4,639 5 View