3 Questions 6 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Aparna Gangele
I need to calculate the analytical relation for frequency of a cantilever composite beam, where one beam is prestressed on which an another non-prestressed beam is placed in a way to form the...
18 January 2018 2,925 9 View
I need to update at each load step, the stiffness of each element using the relation F/(A*e) where, F is the force calculated using an expression, e is the strain of the element. Is there any...
19 March 2017 2,116 1 View
I am trying to run a simulation in APDL, where I need to give incremental strain rate. I am giving a displacement of 5 units for a beam of length 10. How do we do it in incremental steps?
25 February 2017 2,432 3 View