3 Questions 8 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Anton Govednik
Hi, is there any general concensus on which would be the best 16S rRNA primers to use to cover both bacterial and archaela community? What about fungal ITS? In the literature I've came across...
01 December 2022 5,474 0 View
Dear all, I hope you could help me with the following question: There are different adjuvants that are used in qPCR for quantifying soil microbial functional genes (which often means using...
02 March 2022 9,951 0 View
Hello everyone, I have the following problem: I'm observing a lot of smear after loading qPCR products on 1.3% gel (attached pUC19-M13_primers_test) eventhough the melt curves seem nice with only...
25 February 2022 4,562 6 View