9 Questions 11 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Andrew R Garcia
For example, if I were to load a .pdb or .cif file to Avogadro or VESTA, is there a way to click on the carbon atoms next to oxygen atoms and label them "Ct" so that then when the coordinate data...
29 June 2021 8,860 0 View
Several of the methods to do this are explained in a rather involved way; could somebody simplify / give us a basic idea of how to use these methods and how they work? P.S. Please don't say...
12 March 2018 6,938 0 View
It is my understanding that this may be done by comparing unit cells between the substrate and the material to be grown, but I would want to delve into the details as to how this lattice matching...
13 January 2018 8,064 5 View
From the definition of Sauter mean diameter in the below link: http://www.thermopedia.com/content/1108/ Can we assume the variance to be in the following form?: variance = (d_64)^2 - (d_32)^2 OR,...
09 May 2015 7,836 3 View
I am trying to find a viscous solution that can suspend alginate beads / prevent them from settling. I thought that a saturated solution of sucrose might do the job, however, I am uncertain...
22 January 2015 6,337 2 View
If for instance, I had a solution of 50 mg solid ferrofluid/mL solvent, how can I use this information to find its corresponding volume fraction? I had no luck finding an adequate relation in the...
01 January 2015 5,849 8 View
If the two oils can be mixed uniformly, will the new viscosity be an average of the two? Will the relation be linear? non-linear?
30 November 2014 299 3 View
The capillary number as it relates to Sir G.I. Taylor's publications on emulsions, where Ca=F http://rspa.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/146/858/501
10 November 2014 8,415 1 View
Say I want to separate red blood cells from plasma in blood. How can I use this law to make quantitative predictions on the centrifugation speed I must use to separate into the two phases.
21 October 2014 180 3 View