4 Questions 108 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ana María Sánchez Peralta
The loss of energy results in an increase in wavelength for radiation. If the time this progress takes is infinitely long, could all radiation (gamma, x, UV, etc.) finish with a larger wavelength.
05 December 2012 7,710 29 View
I write literary books and scientific articles and for expression of more details I prefer my native language because I think it is more complex and has a wider vocabulary. On the other hand,...
12 October 2012 5,387 91 View
In this case, I think I need gender, age, weight, height, WBC (cell count), leukocyte well plate, if exist any inflammatory illness, etc. Can you share any references?
04 October 2012 2,581 4 View
Today is an important day for science and study of mass. It has been confirmed that a new boson has been observed with mass 125.3 +/- 0.6 GeV, with a 4.9 sigma level of certainty. This confirms...
04 July 2012 6,355 75 View