9 Questions 13 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Amin A. Mohammed
As we know vibration is inherent in several machines. When it comes to wind turbines (VAWTs, in particular), there is possibly some sort of useful vibration that can be used for energy generation,...
27 April 2020 7,398 0 View
I'm looking for the airfoil characteristics for SAND 0018/50 (SANDIA 0018/50) that is used wind turbine (VAWT of Darrieus type) tabulated for different Angle of attack and Reynold number? Any...
26 June 2019 6,640 4 View
After solving my problem in APDL, and started doing some post-processing, I want to find how much the deformed shape has rotated (i.e. the maximum angle the furthest node has made comparing with...
24 December 2015 4,048 2 View
Doing dynamic model of RRRR robot manipulator, using Lagrange equation: D(q)∗q′′+C(q,q′)∗q′+g(q)=τ , in Matlab, the issue is that, I'm getting very long-long terms, every equation is a couple of...
15 March 2015 6,621 5 View
Though, Denavit-Hartenberg notation is commonly used to describe the kinematics of robot manipulator, some researcher prefer the product of exponential instead; and even the claim that it's...
12 February 2015 5,868 3 View
Determining the dynamics model of a robot using Lagrange equation becomes very long and time consuming 'when the degree of freedom increase', moreover,it involves many derivatives and...
20 December 2014 9,398 8 View
I do not fully understand what base inertial parameters means? What are they used for? I'm carrying out an inverse kinematics and direct dynamics of a 4 dof. articulated robot. Is there helpful...
23 November 2014 2,053 3 View
I'm working on inverse kinematics for a 4 dof planar manipulator. I want to solve the inverse kinematics for a given end effector position and orientation (dx,dy,dz, alpha) dz=0. Since it's...
27 April 2014 1,722 4 View
After finding the total transformation matrix, we'll get three equations for the end-effector coordinates [dx dy dz]T. So how can we solve them for 4 (or 5) joints parameters in case of 4 ( or 5 )...
04 April 2014 5,200 2 View