6 Questions 10 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ali Naderi
It is possible that the model is underfitting or overfitting the data. There is always a need to validate the stability of your machine learning model to indicate how well the learner will...
07 July 2019 2,459 5 View
As you know, there are several methods to achieve crystallite size, lattice strain and consequently dislocation density. (Scherrer, Williamson-Hall, Warren-Averbach, Rietvield and ...). Which one...
01 January 2016 1,632 4 View
I want to determine the magnitude of the burgers vector of Al6061 an Al5083. As you know, The magnitude is usually represented by the equation: ||b||=(a/2)(h^2+l^2+k^2)^0.5where a is the unit cell...
01 January 2016 5,915 3 View
I used ANFIS to predict my experimental data. I used the MATLAB ANFIS toolbox. The number of my data is few and I trained ANFIS by 24 data sets and tested with the 4 data set. The Gaussian...
12 December 2014 5,276 5 View
I use Matlab's neural network toolbox for predicting and estimating my problem by experimental data. Now, I want to drive out the equation which correlates the inputs to the outputs.(for example-...
08 August 2014 1,443 9 View
I use Matlab neural network toolbox for estimating and prediction. In my problem some input parameter values are discrete and qualitative, For example three type of path (A, B, C) as qualitative...
08 August 2014 6,319 6 View