4 Questions 4 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Alfonso Magliacano
Do a survey need, in a same way that for a questionnaire, to be validated for face and content validity? In my mind, a survey includes different questions, each one investigating specific...
21 May 2021 4,164 8 View
I should count the number of eye blinks in an EEG recording. For example, I should be able to let the software recognize (e.g. using a threshold) and mark each blink, and then count the number of...
13 March 2020 6,470 2 View
I performed a multivariate logistic regression to estimate the role of some baseline variables (e.g. age, sex, etiology etc.) on a long-term outcome (good, bad). I only have one patient group and...
04 February 2020 236 4 View
I recorded EOG by means of vertical electrodes using EMG module of BIOPAC. Now I would to detect blink rate, but I'm not able to let the software Acqknowledge auto-detect blink. In other words,...
11 March 2019 9,290 2 View