3 Questions 17 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Alex Rayevsky
Dear all, I have to analyze the trajectory and calculate all distances between a group of atoms (each separate particle) and all the surrounding waters, which were at the distance cutoff
06 December 2023 4,650 0 View
Hi all! Well, I have a protein (TubulinG) X-ray, however it lacks last 10-11 residues, which are probably exposured to the solvent (and it seems are flexible enough to be invisible for X-ray). The...
26 January 2018 4,203 1 View
Dear all! How do You think, is it possible to run an MD simulation of the protein with a fully rotatable bond (changing amide rigidity) in the middle of the reconstructed disordered region? I...
01 January 1970 8,974 3 View