14 Questions 7 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Akiva Lipshitz
For a single elevator building: Consider a set of floors {C_i} such that the time it takes to travel between floors T(i,j) = k|i-j| for some constant k. Furthermore, let the presses on up and...
04 April 2017 4,233 0 View
I need to build a tool for detecting where in an image certain objects are located. The objects are quite irregular – they are fruit flies – and need to be detected at close to pixel perfect...
01 January 2017 7,062 9 View
I just had this idea of perfoming rewiring experiments on the nervous systems of living organisms to understand how connectivity affects function. Can you lesion out hub neurons but rewire to...
06 June 2016 5,932 3 View
It struck me a few days ago as I was fiddling with this toy that proteins (and in fact other physical structures) could be thought of as mechanical analogues of neural networks. (It turns out some...
06 June 2016 1,250 8 View
The past few weeks I've been analyzing the particular solutions generated by my ANN. I've seen that even for simple tasks like a delayed XOR function the solutions can be highly convoluted and...
06 June 2016 8,635 5 View
As a non-academic but doing scientific exploration on the side, I'm wondering what analytical toolkits the computational neuroscience community uses for its data analysis. Which language, which...
05 May 2016 2,264 4 View
My greater goal is to develop a theoretical framework for analyzing computation and information flow in dynamical neuronal networks (of the sort found in the brain). I need a place to start, so...
05 May 2016 5,885 1 View
I'm not an expert in the field of systems neuroscience and I'm having a little trouble in formulating a concrete set of steps to answer a question I had this morning. I'm interested in building...
05 May 2016 9,541 4 View
I've been doing lots of linear analysis on some neural activity series I obtained and am looking to go a level deeper to look at the inherent nonlinearities in my data. To begin my approach, I'd...
04 April 2016 9,462 1 View
I want to run simulations of various pathways and having a machine readable chart would make thing a lot easier.
04 April 2016 2,700 0 View
I've done lots of reading and have a good sense of some different approaches, perspectives, and modern techniques, but want to broaden this and make sure I'm not missing things important.
04 April 2016 2,042 0 View
I'm trying to find a sensible embedding of neural networks in euclidean R3such that the distances between nodes in the embedding retains the nodes' graph theoretic distance and such that the...
01 January 1970 6,110 3 View
In a lecture recently my psychology professor mentioned there is aggressive pre-natal brain development and that during growth connectivity is "carved out" as the brain naturally prunes away what...
01 January 1970 5,748 0 View
I'm unfamiliar with graph theory but was wondering if this has been thought about An idea that occurred to me yesterday relates to the "*planar dimensionality of a graph*" which means the minimal...
01 January 1970 2,847 4 View