5 Questions 6 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Akanksha Pragya
Why do room temperature liquid metals (LMs) have such high electrical conductivity? Mott et al, 1934 had proposed the idea of higher free electrons but what is the particular characteristic of...
17 November 2021 4,276 0 View
I have a uniaxial tensile test data for, let say, a material X (graph in attachment). Now, principally it is not recommended to manipulate the data. However, it is equally true that negative...
25 July 2020 7,394 4 View
I used He-O plasma irradiation to activate the surface of polyester aka PET fabric before coating the fabric with polypyrrole via in-situ polymerization of pyrrole monomer in an oxidative...
23 March 2020 3,435 5 View
I read this on OriginPro's Help Website: For peak-fitting curve Asym2Sig, " Parameters. Number: 6. Names: y0, xc, A, w1, w2, w3. Meanings: y0 = offset, xc = center, A = amplitude, w1 = full width...
14 January 2020 6,334 2 View
What is the significance of (or how do I interpret) the "offset value (Yo)" while I peak-fit spectroscopy data (say FTIR, UV-Vis, XRD etc.) in Origin 8.0 Pro? I understand a more positive offset...
27 November 2019 5,720 3 View