8 Questions 36 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ajeet Singh
I want to calculate specific heat of my aggregation reaction and carried out a DSC with following parameters. 1.the sample mass (7.8mg) 2. heating rate (0.5 deg/min) 3. range (30 to 90c) output...
12 December 2015 1,079 20 View
My expressed protein is being collected in the pellet fraction and I have used different strategies for making it soluble but still its coming in the pellet. I have used strategies like...
02 February 2014 9,835 32 View
I am working on thermus thermophilus protein which is not being expressed. I have tried that particular protein induction in a different time scale (12-37 degree), different IPTG concentration...
02 February 2014 2,583 6 View
I cloned my gene of interest in pET28a vector, my protein molecular weight is 24 kDa but its coming at 27 kDa, why is there such shifting in SDS PAGE?
10 October 2013 5,508 7 View
I purified my recombinant His tag protein in Tris, pH 7.5 (pI of protein 8.9) using 400mM Imidazole conc. in elution buffer. I dialysed my protein for removing imidazole but it is being...
10 October 2013 3,664 22 View
I have purified my protein which MW is 27kDa for crystallization purpose but some impurities are there. So I want to do HPLC for further purification but I am not having exposure for HPLC work, I...
10 October 2013 7,140 4 View
I am getting non specific PCR, I have tried with increase temperature and decreasing primer concentration but still non specificity is there? What parameters should I consider now?
10 October 2013 1,941 13 View
I have tried to purify membrane protein in HEPES buffer but still there are some other buffers there. Which buffer and other biochemical parameters should be followed for better protein induction...
01 January 2013 9,117 6 View