14 Questions 31 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Aisyah mat jasin
I'm going to improve my result. I know how to calculate the mae and mare by formula. But, some papers, they showed the additional result of MAE and MARE in bracket as shown in the picture. For...
28 April 2018 7,099 5 View
I'm going to compare my model with the EMB method in Amelia package. I read the article: https://cran.r-roject.org/web/packages/Amelia/vignettes/amelia.pdf but it does not mentioned specifically...
21 January 2018 6,664 2 View
Hi, I'm going to test and compare my model with other model such as Neural network and Random Forest. Could anyone recommend me any function/package for random forest and neural network or share...
26 September 2017 8,973 3 View
Hi, I'm doing regression in prediction. But, i would like to get some advice on any package in R to do feature selection specifically using mutual information algorithm? Thank you in advance
16 January 2017 5,962 2 View
Hi all, I'm currently working with hadoop using Hadoop 2.3.2 Hortonworks sandbox that runs on VMware. I wish to load a dataset by following the "hello world" tutorial as provided by Hortonworks...
29 October 2015 6,739 2 View
I'm currently anaysing the missing data problem using maximum likelihood estimation. I would like to test the estimation on missing data for multivariate dataset using R. I found several packages...
05 May 2015 4,346 14 View
Hi guys, I'm still newbie in big data analysis. I'm currently looking to do incomplete data analysis for the big data in R rattle package. I refer this book for my reference to do an analysis but...
15 April 2015 9,895 6 View
Hi, I found in several papers describe the definition on both concepts, but I haven't got a clear picture on how to differentiate both and apply in the data mining / machine learning techniques....
01 April 2015 7,841 13 View
Hi guys,I would appreciate if anyone could share your knowledge of the missing data mechanism MAR,MCAR and MNAR in the simplest analogy, description and example and how these terms are relate or...
17 March 2015 1,543 9 View
Hi guys,I'm gonna to do the feature selection preferably using the GUI tool.I also want to apply mutual information in feature selection. Hence, which tool is the best suited for it and do you...
27 January 2015 9,383 13 View
Dear all, I am a little bit confused on how is the p(X|Y=1)=>(1/2,1/4,1/8,1/8) are being generated which originally in the figure shown as =>(1/8:1/4,1/16:1/4,1/32:1/4;1/32:1/4)? I'm eager...
09 January 2015 6,655 3 View
Dear all, Conceptually, what the difference between mutual information and information gain? I have tried to do an exercise which is involved the mutual information theory, However, after I ended...
27 November 2014 9,569 6 View
Dear my colleagues, I'm referring to this page which about the calculation of MI on the a simple dataset. The page is as...
18 November 2014 9,721 3 View
Hi guys, I'm currently studying the mutual information (MI) applied in classification techniques. Could anyone here share with me on how to make a calculation which applied in simple dataset?...
12 November 2014 6,857 9 View