5 Questions 20 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ahmed Meri
I'm looking for a good quality, WoS or Scopus journals that took a relatively short time for acceptance and publication in the field of health informatics and multidisciplinary journals as...
04 April 2019 464 14 View
Good day, Actually, I want to perform ordinal logistic regression on my data set. I don't know if I have to sum all the items values for each construct or I calculate the mode or median for them...
12 December 2017 928 4 View
In the context of social sciences, what is the accepted "response rate" for a questionnaire survey quantitative research?
11 November 2017 1,722 16 View
Good day, I have an ordinal data from distributing a questionnaire used 5-Likert scale (SD to SA). My conflict is that there is two groups of researchers analyzing the ordinal data, the first...
11 November 2017 9,531 3 View
Good day, As we know, we can cite unpublished manuscripts in any article as a "submitted", "accepted", or "in-print" according to the APA 6th edition style. I'm wondering if I cited my currently...
10 October 2017 2,763 2 View