15 Questions 30 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ahmed Hamed
Is there any dataset for ZIKA for now?
29 July 2016 3,356 3 View
Given a data set (.mat file). How can I identify the distribution (Normal, Gaussian, etc) of the data in matlab? Is there any built-in function that helps to do this? For example, I'd like to...
30 June 2016 5,228 3 View
In classification problem authors always says that knn, naive decision tree are conventional classifiers? So, can anyone elaborate on the word "conventional" and what are the non-conventional...
01 May 2016 4,984 2 View
I'm new in genetic algorithm, when reading papers, author always say "There are two common representation methods for numerical optimizationproblems. The preferred method is the binary string...
09 February 2016 9,363 4 View
As a new researcher, I'm unable to evaluate the journals. I recognized that there are two metrics to evaluate the journals: impact factor and the index but really I don't understand what these...
04 February 2016 2,847 13 View
In the attached paper page 206, the author gave an example when the prior and posterior probabilities can provide invalid probabilities. The example is as follows Let us suppose that X1...
20 August 2015 8,870 3 View
I'm reading about context free grammar and i recognized how to eliminate the left recursion but i did not find out what is the problem with left recursion?? can any one explain Thanks in advance
25 April 2015 5,895 4 View
I have a problem with parallel computing. I can't open matlabpool. When I type matlabpool 2, I get the following error: Error using matlabpool (line 144) Failed to open matlabpool. (For...
18 May 2014 4,426 1 View
I'd like to produce a .pdf from the tex rather than .dvi any suggestions?
08 May 2014 3,577 12 View
In the feature selection process I need to compute the ranking of the attributes using either entropy or the mutual information. Consequently I need a tutorial for both entropy and mutual...
20 April 2014 3,953 8 View
I'm concerned with the feature selection method for dimensionality reduction. I have decided to work on the filter approach. Can anyone tell me what the most popular or recent algorithms are for...
20 March 2014 717 4 View
I'm using the rough sets (reducts) for feature selection. I took a decision to work on the filter approach because it is independent of any learning classifier, I read some of the algorithms as...
12 March 2014 1,002 2 View
I'm going to study a course of "designing compilers," can anyone suggests a perfect tutorial for the designation of the compilers? Thanks in advance.
12 March 2014 8,543 7 View
A rough membership function may be interpreted as a special kind of fuzzy membership function. Under this interpretation, is it possible to re-express the standard rough set approximations, and to...
16 February 2014 1,823 9 View
Given a dataset D a_1 a_2 x_1 0.55, 0.99 x_2 0.41, 1 x_3 0.76, 0.83...
01 January 1970 4,576 3 View