10 Questions 99 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ahmed E. Dhamad
To make a comparison between a local strain of bacteria (for example E. coli) with the standard one (NCBI) in terms of genetic content using next-generation sequencing (NGS), what is the lowest...
15 July 2023 4,300 8 View
Hi! I have run flow cytometry for 3 different cell lines (black, blue, and red) which were stained with red dye (FL2) with a same event number (15,000 events). However, the cell number (count; Y...
17 October 2017 3,013 3 View
CRISPR-Cas9 has been used to knock out a gene in breast cancer cell (MCF7) by using two different plasmids. One plasmid has a puromycin selection marker and another one has a GFP selection marker....
01 February 2017 2,367 2 View
I over-expressed HA tagged mammalian protein (27KD) in 3 different cell lines; however, I saw the over expressed protein (exogenous) behaves differently than the endogenous protein in the all cell...
11 October 2016 7,516 8 View
I would like to determine several gene expressions for 4 different samples using qPCR with SYBR Green. Is it possible to run all of them in one plate regard to primers Tm differences? Would run...
10 July 2016 4,290 3 View
Hello, I am trying to cleavage my protein from GST-tag by using Thrombin with its site ( L-V-P-R-G-S) which is provided by plasmid. However, I am confused because I saw after running my protein...
10 November 2014 8,175 9 View
I have two proteins which have almost the same M.Wt. They also have isoelectric points (7.1 and 7.75). Can I separate them with Ion exchange chromatography(IEC)? What is the PI range by which Ion...
08 October 2014 1,096 6 View
I am looking for the S-Carboxymethylation of Cysteine protocol. I want to methylate my protein by using iodoacetic acid. If you have a procedure for that, please send my a copy or tell me where I...
19 September 2014 7,923 5 View
I am working with MCF7 and 293T cells. Do I have to know the # of passages that they have passed? If yes, what is the maximum passage's number, in general to my cells?
21 May 2014 3,079 17 View
I am doing protein mapping to my interesting protein (chop it off for different domains, mix them with other GST- protein to do in vitro binding assay and then they are pulled down with GST-...
12 May 2014 9,861 7 View