12 Questions 121 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ahmad Hassanat
A Hamiltonian Cycle is a simple cycle in a graph thatincludes all vertices, finding this cycle is NP problem. We want to test a proposed solution...
20 May 2016 1,717 1 View
I am looking for some expert in history of ancient games particularly the Nabatean's game boards. I have figured out how they were playing there most popular game, however need an expert in the...
07 June 2015 420 39 View
It is easy to calculate the entropy on discrete numbers or categorical data, which si equal to minus the summation of( the probabilities x the log of each probability), the probability of a real...
08 September 2014 8,512 18 View
Some researchers enjoy experiments and finding new results, and find it is boring to write, others enjoy both. I belong to the first type, I have finished experiments for 3 different papers, but I...
26 May 2014 9,557 24 View
I am working on a new metric measure. I tested it against Euclidean and Manhattan distances and it gives better results w.r.t KNN algorithm. How to make sure that a certain function can be...
07 May 2014 4,457 13 View
Theoretically (as I understand) the weights can be in the range of [- inf to + inf]. This is a very large space to find the optimal solution in, if we could limit this space we may get the optimal...
26 April 2014 8,208 2 View
Is there any rule of thump to choose the best topology for ANN? Is the best topology related to the optimal solution? In decision tree we have a factorial number of trees, finding the best one is...
26 April 2014 4,216 6 View
I just have read an article "Training Feedforward Neural Networks Using Genetic Algorithms" written by David J Montana. Experiment 5 compares BP and GA to train ANN, the results show that GA is...
16 April 2014 2,706 45 View
Most of us teach different topics in computer science, we studied those during our, bachelor, master and PhD, so we have at least general knowledge about most computer topics, why should we stick...
29 March 2014 1,166 6 View
I think both are time and space consuming, there must be something better!
11 February 2014 3,372 4 View
I have found a fast algorithm for the linear assignment problem, and I want to test it against other algorithms
11 December 2013 4,587 2 View
I'm looking for a fast algorithm to find the best ellipse and in another problem the best circle (best means minimum area) to contain certain 2D points. Convex hull algorithm is one option but is...
30 July 2013 9,391 0 View