8 Questions 22 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ahad Zarghami
Hi I am simulating a kind of electrolyzer in Fluent. Consider a 2D-box, the bottom boundary is opening, top boundary is degassing, gas is generated from a part of left side boundary and right...
03 March 2019 8,062 6 View
Hello all I am simulating hydrogen generation in an electrolyzer compartment using Eulerian model in Fluent. The final amount of gas in the domain when the solution reaches steady-state condition...
01 January 2019 9,306 8 View
I am using a single-component - two phase pseudo-potential LB model and need to compare my results. I, tried to compare my results with experimental data of falling of a water droplet into air...
01 January 2016 7,468 2 View
I need experimental data for terminal velocity of Hexene/Hexane/similar alkanes falling droplet in air to validate my numerical scheme. In brief, I want to know if there is any data for droplets...
09 September 2015 8,781 5 View
In the simulation, a porous layer with a constant thickness is added around a circular cylinder. As a result, the drag coefficient increases by increasing Dracy number. Is this true? What is your...
11 November 2014 9,564 5 View
For a two-phase flow and in a specific reduced temperature (e.g. Tr=0.75), does the Redlich–Kwong (RK) equation of states predict a higher density ratio or Carnahan-Starling (CS)? Could you...
10 October 2014 6,676 7 View
consider a static vapor bubble within a 2D domain surrounded by fluid. at the beginning, the temperature is the same in all nodes. In order to see the changes in density and temperature of the...
07 July 2014 6,476 2 View
I am simulating the evaporation of a static droplet using the lattice boltzmann method. The ambiguity for me is that, the temperature of the drop remains constant during the evaporation and after...
06 June 2014 2,913 14 View