13 Questions 21 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Adolfo Silva
I need to include the bending mode dynamics in my simulation. So far, I am only considering the rigid body dynamics. So I need to implement the following equation: q'' + Kg*q = Phi*F(t), where:...
20 November 2020 4,493 5 View
Assuming that, the H-infinity norm of the transfer function H(s) is less than 1 + delta, where delta is a small number. How to prove that open loop transfer function (at the input plant), L(s),...
15 December 2016 637 6 View
The control signal of a fixed gain PID controller (presented in the link below) can be written as y(t) = Kp u(t) + Ki int{u(t)} + Kd(t) d/dt{u(t)}. Note in the figure that, the error signal is...
13 June 2016 7,927 5 View
I have a previous knowledge of the system, so I've the lower and upper bound of the frequency response test. I'm performing the response frequency test, as follow:The input to the system is given...
01 October 2015 9,203 8 View
What is the best way to control the speed during the cruise phase of an airplane? I'm wondering which is the best way, because in theory I can control the speed manipulating the thrust given by...
21 September 2014 6,864 4 View
A simplified mathematical model of Brushed DC motor can be easily find in the many control theory books. The mathematical model is composed by the electrical constant: inductance, resistance and...
04 August 2014 2,820 2 View
After the linearization of the non-linear equations around an equilibrium point, I got the following transfer function: G(s) = a1 s + a0/(s³+b2s²+b1s+b0) or G(s) = K (s + z) / (s+p) (s²+2wns +...
13 January 2013 5,527 17 View
I'm studying digital control by myself, and I would like to know if has available on the internet the solutions manual of "Digital Control of Dynamic System 3rd edition"?
03 January 2013 2,612 16 View
I'm looking for a software to draw coordinate system{x,y,z} and vector! The software must be able to draw angles beetween the vectors and has to be able to put 3 D vector not only 2D.
09 November 2012 7,711 4 View
The navigation system can measure the attitude (EULER ANGLES) through 2 technologies, strap-down and gimbal systems. If the gimbal axis is not aligned with the "inertial axis (because some...
09 November 2012 1,646 1 View
I'm writing my thesis and I am searching for good software to draw control block diagrams! Any suggestion? Thank you!
25 September 2012 5,031 53 View
Anyone in this group work or already have worked with satellite attitude control?
19 May 2011 4,856 2 View
Suppose a six degree of freedom simulation of an aircraft, which some aerodynamic parameters (e.g: stability derivatives), mass configuration (e.g center of mass) and etc, are randomly choose...
01 January 1970 268 4 View