8 Questions 31 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Adnan Arshad
Previous research has suggested an involvement of meteorological conditions in the spread of droplet-mediated viral diseases, such as influenza. However, as for the recent novel coronavirus, few...
05 May 2020 2,299 9 View
In APSIM Continuous Irrigated Cotton simulation in the output file variables grid, there is no parameters of phenology stages or phases. But for other crops in APSIM model it is available. Any...
19 December 2019 7,291 4 View
What types of indicators need to measure whether your action is making a difference for BES and do you need different indicators for each of the Nature Futures Framework themes?
17 September 2019 9,291 8 View
I need assistance or understanding of how I can the following from a 1-acre potato farm. 1.Yield estimation ( simple model) 2.Understand what the output is of the product, what would be the...
17 May 2019 6,307 5 View
Now a day’s rains, hailstorm destroys Wheat crop on hundreds of acres in arid and irrigated areas of Punjab Pakistan and still have to face rainfall for two more weeks. Wheat crop is almost ready...
17 April 2019 3,507 4 View
How temperature or other environmental factors can help to reduce the outbreak damage? Emergencies preparedness, response & future risks?
01 January 1970 2,237 8 View
Earth is in more hot water than ever before: Sea levels are rising at an ever-faster rate as ice and snow shrink, and oceans are getting more acidic and losing oxygen, the Intergovernmental Panel...
01 January 1970 5,756 4 View
What do you think about the onset of extreme rainfalls in UAE. Is there any negative impact of excessive "cloud seeding" during 2019 (185 times) Cloud seeding: is a type of weather modification...
01 January 1970 721 5 View