9 Questions 12 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Adam Rudziński
Suppose f(x) is a probability distribution of a random variable X, where x is real. We may calculate the Fourier transform of f(x) and this way obtain the so-called characteristic function of...
10 October 2015 9,671 6 View
Suppose that we are given two probability density functions. f(x) with mean 0 and variance sf2 g(x) with mean 0 and variance sg2 Let h(x) = N sqrt( f(x) g(x) ), where N is the normalization...
03 March 2014 4,217 7 View
According to E. Lukacs, "Characteristic functions", 2nd ed., we say that F(x) is a stable probability distribution if for all b1,b2>0 and all real c1,c2 we can find b>0 and real c such that: F(...
12 December 2013 2,112 16 View
In this paper: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00034-013-9622-3, right before expression (24) I have adopted an evidently false assumption about independence of random variables x_0 and w(iT); but the...
11 November 2013 9,075 0 View
Characteristic function of a random variable X is defined as E[exp(itx)]. It has been studied a lot and a number of its useful properties are known. Is there known any "generalization" of...
11 November 2013 9,619 6 View
Let me know if such model is described somewhere. I am looking for a mathematical (analytic) model describing how a signal with orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing generated by a DAC is...
11 November 2013 6,580 3 View
Typically, the probability of OFDM signal having a particular value is assumed to be given by normal distribution (i.e. Gaussian). Do you know any alternative models?
11 November 2013 7,234 4 View
Is there known any case in which non-instant output settling of a digital-to-analog converter is preferable? Ideally, the output of DAC is a step function, with immediate transitions. Perhaps if...
11 November 2013 9,529 4 View
Suppose that X1, X2 are random variables with given probability distributions fx1(x), fx2(x). Let fy(x) = fy( fx1(x) , fx2(x) ) be a known probability distribution of "unknown" random variable Y....
10 October 2013 7,988 4 View