10 Questions 17 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Abrar Jamous
Although the transfection and infection were successful using another transfer plasmid, with PWZL.hygro HRAS G12V we didn't get a good infection on MCF10A cells. We used the 3rd generation of...
10 October 2017 6,909 3 View
I have MCF7 cell line in culture it was thawed befor two weeks only, and I start to see morphological changes .cells look like fibroblast start to appear as you can see the arrows in the pic...
06 June 2017 9,975 4 View
Hello every one I am dealing with gene that produce protein , the UCSC show the presence of active transcription binding region in the middle of the gene ,it say that this gene should have two...
12 December 2016 7,331 2 View
Hello every one,I want to measure ribosome biogenesis in cancer cell line, please tell me what are the techniques used for this purpose, the best one? thank you :)
11 November 2016 6,423 5 View
I want to ask what are the benefit of treating RNA sample with DNase I before cDNA and RT-PCR? how dose that affect result !
10 October 2016 10,047 4 View
how we can identify CpG for specific gene? pubmed give use the gene sequence from the transcription starting site(TSS) what about the upstream sequence how we can find it?and find CpG island in it ?
10 October 2016 926 2 View
I am working on regulation of gene expression of a gene and i want to check the status of it enhancer in cancer cells. can you suggest software to use ,and what are the important things to take...
08 August 2016 7,246 4 View
I am using 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine to check promoter methylation of a gene as litreature say so ,but after RT-PCR the expression of the gene was decreased , what dose that mean ? could be due to...
08 August 2016 1,215 3 View
I had maxi prep for plasmid, and I have problem with PCR for recombination also PCR with primer on the insert gene .SO I am wondering is there a possibility that the bacteria could introduce...
06 June 2016 6,522 5 View
isopropanol, ethanol failed to react at position five of 5-bromo-2,3-disubsttiued pyrazine at position 2, there is ethanolamine and at position 3, there is chlorine atom . does it relay...
11 November 2014 7,463 4 View