5 Questions 14 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Abhinav Kumar Sharma
Say I have two clusters A and B with mean ma and mb respectively. Both have different covariance matrices Ca and Cb. I want to determine Mahalanobis distance between both clusters. However, how to...
03 March 2019 9,572 4 View
I am looking for some relevant and good literature on clustering algorithms (books, journal/conference papers, tutorials). Could you please suggest some literature. It should be easy to understand...
04 April 2018 6,896 8 View
I have obtained same graph for S/N ratio and response mean. Is it normal?
12 December 2017 4,044 2 View
Suppose I am optimizing ZDT-1 2 objective test function. I want to stop the algorithm when there is no significant improvement in Pareto front. how can I achieve this?
06 June 2017 6,702 8 View
Can anyone please guide me through the PSO implementation in supply chain. I am using MATLAB for this. I want help with the coding part and how to handle the constraints.
02 February 2015 1,924 5 View