3 Questions 11 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Abdullah Al-Mamun Bulbul
Often, we have to check plagiarism for our research papers. However, there is no free-reliable plagiarism software. Can you suggest any plagiarism checking platform at an affordable cost? Please...
20 November 2020 4,195 8 View
Different companding methods such as μ-law, hyperbolic tangent, exponential, linear symmetric transforms, linear asymmetric transforms and threshold log companding are used for PAPR reduction in...
03 May 2019 8,785 6 View
I'm interested to submit an Optics related research paper on Elsevier Journal. I'm looking for a list of Elsevier Journals those doesn't charge any publication Fee. Can anyone provide me a list of...
24 April 2019 8,668 24 View