7 Questions 9 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Abdallah A. I. Ali
I want to generate a probabilistic shaped 16-QAM signal without using FEC (channel coding) (i.e. away from coded modulation ). Simply I need to implement distribution matcher ( or a bit mapper or...
03 January 2019 8,907 2 View
When I expand the phase mismatch (for three signals interacting nonlinearly in optical fiber delta-beta with dispersion slope (dB = B(f1) + B(f2) - B(f3) - B(f1+f2-f3) , where B (Propagation...
09 July 2017 6,778 3 View
I need to know the phase conjugation is equivalent to the spectral inversion. The math can help me more in understanding. If I have a signal X+jY, if I converted it to X-jY, It will be spectrally...
07 April 2016 6,216 1 View
I am trying to simulate the whole long haul optical transmission system in the matlab. However, I have a doubt about the PM-QPSK-WDM system because I don't know how to include the linewidth in...
07 September 2015 8,224 2 View
I'm studying the impact of nonlinearity on system performance in long haul transmission system. So, I need to simulate the system completely with Matlab without any optical simulation tools like...
07 September 2015 7,241 4 View
I used optisystem to simulate the nonlinearity impacts on PM-QPSK system with single mode fiber, however, the phase correction in DSP at the receiver remove the effect of nonlinearity, which is a...
30 April 2015 9,334 1 View
I'm simulating the optical PMD-QPSK using optisystem,and I'm measuring the effect of Nonlinearity on BER,and the problem that I'm using a DSP for compensating the Dispersion,Polarization...
12 March 2015 8,360 7 View