5 Questions 19 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from A. K. Sikdar
I am in need of field emission miniature electron source of dimension( 1-2 mm diameter emission area and few mm long) which could generate few micro-amp of current at 100-200 V of applied voltage....
28 November 2016 4,644 5 View
I am a Physics person. I am stuck with this simple thing which could be very obvious. Please help me to resolve this issue.Cable Impedance of 50 ohm cable is always considered to be real in all...
11 November 2014 3,075 17 View
I want a 50 ohm coaxial, vacuum feedthrough capable of operating at 4 K . It should be non- magnetic too if possible? Please suggest any company that provide it commercially....
20 September 2014 1,931 10 View
I want to shine Penning trap at 4k with 160GHz, but I have no idea how to do it? I have a 10 cm diameter cold bore ( Liquid Helium filled bore magnet) and I need to take 160GHz all the way to the...
10 June 2014 6,113 2 View
When a K shell X ray is emitted due to transition of electrons from upper states to K shell vacancy, is there any change of electronic wave-function of K shell at the position of the nucleus? Any...
17 December 2013 4,936 3 View