We generally use to instruct the farmers before application of pre-emergence herbicides moisture in the soil necessary. Here what is the role of moisture for increasing of herbicide efficacy.
Because moisture will help the breakdown of the herbicide molecules and covert into the active form so that active form of toxin will reduce the enzymatic activity of the weeds
In my opinion, the moisture is necessary to initiate germination process of weed propagule present at resting phase in soil and when the herbicide is applied it get mixed with moisture and imbibed by the weed propagule. Hence, managing it efficiently without leaving any chance of weed survival.
Simply; pre emergence herbicides are applied over soil surface after sowing of crop and before emergence of weed...proper moisture content should be there in soil so as to make sure of better breakdown and some time hydrolysis of herbicidal molecules into simpler compounds which is the ultimate lethal product to kill weed propagules present in the soil system or about to be emerged from soil...