IERC - the European Research Cluster on the Internet of Things have been doing a lot of work on IoT standards. Check out the link below for a list of their recent papers. In that list, their Position Paper on IoT standards is quite interesting. The ITU () did some work on an "Internet of Things Global Standards Initiative" and the link is below. In the US, NIST have done work on this, again link below. The IEEE have also done work on this. However, the W3C have compiled a list of all the organisations working on this area, so you will certainly find their link useful.
IERC - the European Research Cluster on the Internet of Things have been doing a lot of work on IoT standards. Check out the link below for a list of their recent papers. In that list, their Position Paper on IoT standards is quite interesting. The ITU () did some work on an "Internet of Things Global Standards Initiative" and the link is below. In the US, NIST have done work on this, again link below. The IEEE have also done work on this. However, the W3C have compiled a list of all the organisations working on this area, so you will certainly find their link useful.
It's really hard to come up with a single "authentic" list for organizations working on IoT standards because there are so many! The links that Bob Duncan supplies are fairly thorough, but there are also many organizations defining ontologies relevant to IoT. This paper from the IAB Workshop on IoT Semantic Interoperability has a long list of those - some 37 pages, including descriptions.
The I in IoT was standardized by IETF, so it may be worth having a look at the myriad of working groups that that organization consists of. I picked up just two.
Others have brought up that the IETF is developing (some) of the IoT standards landscape, especially from layer 2.5 (6LoWPAN) and up (eg CORE) - whereas the IEEE is developing (some) of the the lower layers (datalink and below). That's the classic dichotomy IEEE-IETF.
One IETF activity that hasn't been brought up in the preceding discussion is the 6lo working group which, essentially, is doing IPv6/6LoWPAN-over-Foo adaptation.
Aside from that, a lot of work is ongoing in industry alliances, such as the G3-Alliance (SmartGrid / PLC), or the LoRA-Alliance (LPWAN - Low Power Wide Area Netwoeks), or Zigbee (IEEE 802.15.4 based suite of high-level communication protocols used to create personal area networks with small, low-power digital radios) or even Bluetooth. Some of these alliances may feed their work into existing standards bodies (such was the case for the G3 alliance contributing G3-PLC to what became ITU-T recommendation G.9903) - others, slouch as the LoRA-alliance may not.
And finally, proprietary solutions are abound also, and some are gaining some momentum. SigFox would be one example of such.
The attached XKCD cartoon comes to mind as the only logical conclusion to this ...
"Interconnecting Smart Objects with IP", written by Jean-Philippe Vasseur (Cisco Fellow and chairman of different working groups within the Internet Engineering Task Force, IETF) and Adam Dunkels (The inventor of TinyOS)