I have come across this paper Classification-Based Clustering Evaluation

The author used the datasets of 6GAUSS ,PAIRED ,ELONG ,UNIFORM and Rings

6GAUSS consisted of six Gaussian clusters with identity covariance, each with 500 points in five dimensions.

PAIRED consisted of three pairs of Gaussian clusters with identity covariance, each with 500 points in five dimensions.

ELONG consisted of five Gaussian clusters with identity covariance, each with 300 points in five dimensions.

UNIFORM consisted of eight clusters, each with 300 points in three dimensions.

This paper is in the downloads section 06729626.pdf

I could not find the synthetic datasets of five dimensions in the UCI repository or the Authors webpage.

Where can I find these kind of datasets with five dimensions that are 6GAUSS ,PAIRED ,ELONG ,UNIFORM and Rings?

I could find some datasets with only 2 dimensions.

I could find some datasets with only 2 dimensions.

Pathbased N=300, M=3, D=2

Pathbased: txt

Chang, H. and D.Y. Yeung, Robust path-based spectral clustering. Pattern Recognition, 2008. 41(1): p. 191-203. Spiral N=312, M=3, D=2

Spiral: txt

Chang, H. and D.Y. Yeung, Robust path-based spectral clustering. Pattern Recognition, 2008. 41(1): p. 191-203. D31 N=3100, M=31, D=2

D31: txt

Veenman, C.J., M.J.T. Reinders, and E. Backer, A maximum variance cluster algorithm. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2002. 24(9): p. 1273-1280. R15 N=600, M=15, D=2

R15: txt

Veenman, C.J., M.J.T. Reinders, and E. Backer, A maximum variance cluster algorithm. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2002. 24(9): p. 1273-1280.

Where can I find datasets with five dimensions that are 6GAUSS ,PAIRED ,ELONG ,UNIFORM and Rings?

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