That is a hard question to answer because it depends on where you want to operate relative to the frequency of its resonance. Let's say a metamaterial has a dimension of 1 cm and it has its resonance at 4 GHz. This is roughly 1/10 of a wavelength, however, you may be interested in its electromagnetic properties away from its resonance. My group is working on nonresonant metamaterials where we operate far below the resonance. In this case our period can be a billionth of a wavelength and it would still work just fine. If you are looking for negative values for mu/eps then you will be working pretty close to the resonance. Other times you may be interested in values less than one which will put you at some other range of frequencies away from the resonance. Other times you will be more interested in the slope of the effective properties vs frequency (dispersion) and will operate at whatever range of frequencies you need.
You can also load your unit cells with dielectric (or magnetics) to "shrink" their size.
I hope this helps explain why it is a difficult question to answer. More information is needed about how you will be using the metamaterial.
It is convenient to have one cell into a period and you can have one or more split ring in one depends on your structure to study and your goal.
How to calculate the dimensions of the unit cell, Mr. Zhang Cheng Li gave a valid explanation.
I would not worry about the dimensions. You can always just scale the size of your unit cell to shift the response to whatever frequency you want. Just pick a dimension, simulate it, find the behavior you want, determine the frequency where that happens, determine the frequency where you want it to happen, and scale your design. I don't even see dimensions or frequencies anymore.
This concept is called scalability. Say you design a metamaterials with dimension 1 cm along each side and it does something magical at 4.0 GHz. If you scale all of the physical dimensions so that each side becomes 2 cm, the metamaterial will behave the exact same way, but at 2.0 GHz.
@Shweta, What is the simulator you are using ? I think In general, you should follow the far field rule as (2d^2/lambda), where d is largest dimension and lambda is operating wavelength.
% the plot of the imaginary part of the refractive index.
hold on
axis([8E9 14E9 8 60]); % note [ - - - -] here 1st dash is lower limit of x-axis and 2nd one is higher range we can change as per our frequency range
title('s-parameters vs frequency');
ylabel('Magnitude of S');
hold off
hold on
axis([8E9 14E9 -200 200]); % note [ - - - -] here 1st dash is lower limit of x-axis and 2nd one is higher range we can change as per our frequency range
title('Phase of S vs frequency');
ylabel('Phase of S(radians)');
hold off
hold on
axis([8E9 14E9 -100 100]); % note [ - - - -] here 1st dash is lower limit of x-axis and 2nd one is higher range we can change as per our frequency range
title('refractive index vs frequency');
ylabel('refractive index');
hold off
hold on
axis([8E9 14E9 -200 200]); % note [ - - - -] here 1st dash is lower limit of x-axis and 2nd one is higher range we can change as per our frequency range
title('impedance vs frequency');
hold off
hold on
axis([8E9 14E9 -100 100]); % note [ - - - -] here 1st dash is lower limit of x-axis and 2nd one is higher range we can change as per our frequency range
title('permittivity vs frequency');
hold off
hold on
axis([8E9 14E9 -100 100]); % note [ - - - -]here 1st dash is lower limit of x-axis and 2nd one is higher range and we can change as per our frequency range