01 January 2018 1 6K Report

In tenure/promotion evaluation, the FLAGSHIP journals of a field are considered to be top notch. However, in audiology and speech-language pathology, two flagship journals (JASA and JSLHR) are primarily known for publishing behavioral research. If impact factor matters, JASA and JSLHR are no longer among the top 10 in the field according to the Journal Citation Report (JCR 2015 and 2016, Web of Science). By comparison, Hearing Research, Ear and Hearing, Brain and Language are consistently in the top 5 (JCR 2012-2016). A new open access journal, Trends in Hearing, took the No. 1 spot in JCR 2016. The citation trends indicate that traditional journals like JASA and JSLHR are facing challenges from journals with higher impact factors, including open access journals that typically have a faster review process. For your brain research manuscripts, what is your experience with various journals (review rigor, speed, days to online publication (or print) after acceptance, etc.) ? What would you recommend to your colleagues?

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