Structural changes due to temperature, pressure and doping produces strain which in turn produces polarisation-static charges. Large difference in valence between Fe/Ti4+/O2- dipoles produces high dielectric constant.What is the origin magnetism?1.Will it be due to Fe/Ti 3d ion 2.due to exchange interaction-super/double/indirect etc. 3.core-shell nature(AFM core and surface spins contributing to FM)
4. Due to charge imbalance of dopant atom in LaFeO3 (Between La3+and Na1+) nature paper indicates atoms in the grain boundary are contributing to FM
6.some pares say Fe-o-Fe bond length, bond angle, charges contributing to FM
7.In my case magnitude of FM values are 10-3 emu/gm, very very small
Anyhow, how to calculate volume of GB atoms. But resistance offered by GB is calculated from impedance.
How to estimate surface charges?