I want to know that what would be the fastest fiber optic network card for a pc ? and does those things offer the actual speed mentioned? any one who uses a fiber optic network card please help me. something similar to this.
For the PC card a good model works at 1320nm Low Pro, PCI combo card 10/100Mbps RJ-45 & 100Mbps ST MM.Low Pro, PCI combo card 10/100Mbps RJ-45 & 100Mbps ST MM. ITEM: AFP2200L can be found at:
For the optical cable : 62.5/125 micron cable for fast ethernet, fibre channel, ATM and gigabit ethernet applications where protection from toxic and corrosive gases is critical
For the fiberoptical swith http://agiltron.com/nxm%20system.htm?gclid=CjwKEAjwycaqBRCSorjE7ZewsmUSJABWzM545MUmUj1GMz2mGjr6O2iqzcr38AVxYwsQoU16UExSTBoC0ifw_wcB