I got a plot of energy data against wavelength for silica gels from rice husk and beach sand using a a UV visible spectrophotometer.. I need literature to help interpret the results.
As Jürgen Weippert suggests, it would be useful to show the spectrum, and also give details of the measurement (what spectrometer, was it dual beam, did you use a reference?).
UV/vis spectrometers usually measure the light energy transmitted by a sample, compared to a reference (blank, solvent), to give a ratio spectrum of transmission (%, or 0-1). This is often done by measuring the sample and reference in two different lightpaths of a dual spectrometer.
There is a mode in most instruments, however, which just shows the energy in one of the beams, which is usually used to check alignment, lamp performance etc..... which registers the light of the sample beam as Energy.
To get a sensible Transmission (or Absorbance = -logT) spectrum of a sample, you need to ratio it with a reference./
"Wavelength" is also a kind of energy data so if you have a plot of energy data against a second kind of energy data, this sounds rather strange. You need to be more precise, otherwise it is impossible to provide a helpful answer.
That looks really strange and honestly I've never seen such a plot coming from a UV-Vis. After searching around for a bit, I've seen that Shimadzu offers this as an option to absorbance, transmittance and reflectance. However, it didn't state anything beyond that.
Under other circumstances I would assume that someone made an error while writing the software, but with those intensity jumps I wonder what fancy thing has been done to create this graph. I mean, if this was ellipsometry, that would be normal in a delta plot, but in a simple UV-Vis I don't know how you get this.
Sorry I couldn't add anything of substance this time.