I am wondering if there is a standard effective sample size (ESS) to declare the convergence of a chain. Well, the convergence of a MCMC chain is obviously assessed using different convergent diagnostic tests: Gelma-Rubin, Gewke, Heidelberger-Welch test... However, if I would evaluate the ESS of parameters estimated by Gibb sampling how to define the values are adequate.
Example. My samples were 10,000, after burn-in, thin... The ESS for estimates are
Var1= 780
Var2= 323
Var3= 2,963
Var4= 5,456
Var5= 174
Var6= 8,351
Are ESSs of Var1, Var3 and Var4 acceptable? Should I run again a MCMC?
Thanks in advance for your answers.