I am looking for literature that deals with amphibians in urban areas. Are there studies on threshod values for toxological substances at which amphibians are no longer able to survive? Which species are more sensitive which are less? For example, at what concentration are acidification and contamination by heavy metals such as cadmium, copper, lead and zinc a problem? What about pharmaceuticals and pesticides? There are a lot of studies for non-urban areas, are the results transferable?

Studies in German are very welcome.

There is a review, but I think it‘s not sufficient for answering this specific question:

Toxicological Threats to Amphibians and Reptiles in Urban Environments (2008)

Maxine C. Croteau, Natacha Hogan, Jennifer C. Gibson, David Lean, and Vance L. Trudeau, In: J.C. Mitchell, R.E. Jung Brown, and B. Bartholomew (editors). Urban Herpetology. Herpetological Conservation 3: 197–209

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