Please help to identify these invertebrates or you may recommend some taxonomists. Some pictures below show the details about these bing.
a) photo 1 refers to a sea squirt;
b) photo 2 and 3 are sponges;
I agree with Carmen; the first one is a sea squirt (Tunicate) and the others (2 and 3) are sponges, pics 3 could be Amphimedon
I agree the point of Dr. Carmen Santos and Dr. Jorge
1. Ascidian
2. Sponge
3. Sponge
But only one ascidian in the 1st pic., but it is not in a colony.
I agree with the previous answers. Additionally, the light brown honeycomb shaped "turf" growing around the dark brown sponge, is a colony of bryozoans.
Thanks for all your help.
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